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Title:Earth system justice needed to identify and live within Earth system boundaries.
Authors:Gupta, J., Liverman, D., Prodani, K., Aldunce, P., Bai, X., Broadgate, W., et al
Format:journal article
Audiences: Pre-teen ; Teen ; HSGrad ; CollGrad ; AdvDeg
Disciplines:humanities: 0 ; social sciences: 0 ; natural/physical sciences: 0 ; engineering: 0 ; professional fields: 0 ; interdisciplinary: 0 ; N/A: 0 ;
Categories:How to understand the predicament of planetary limits: 0
How to change the cultural paradigm (sources that help us think about): 0
How to change institutions and structures: 0
How to act; leverage ponits that are effective: 0
How to teach planetary limits material: 0
More than one of these: 0
N/A: 0
Ratings: ratings with average rating ; popularity