PLAN Founders

PLAN began as a team of five academics – from different fields, at different career stages, and at different types of educational institutions – united in the conviction that fostering integrative, systems-level scholarship could contribute to addressing the unprecedented challenges now facing humanity. As such, disciplinary diversity has been central to PLAN from the start. The founding members are Ben McCall, Melody LeHew, Tom Love, Dave Murphy, and Tom Murphy.

Ben McCall

Ben McCall
Ben McCall

PLAN Founder

Ben McCall, the initiator of PLAN, is Professor of Sustainability and served as inaugural Executive Director of the Hanley Sustainability Institute at the University of Dayton.

Melody LeHew

Melody LeHew

PLAN Founding Member

Melody LeHew is Professor of Fashion Studies in the College of Health and Human Sciences at Kansas State University.

Thomas Love

Tom Love

PLAN Founding Member

Thomas Love is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and member of the Environmental Studies Faculty at Linfield University.

David Murphy

Dave Murphy

PLAN Founding Member

David Murphy is Associate Professor and Chair of Environmental Studies at St. Lawrence University.

Tom Murphy

PLAN Founding Member

Tom Murphy is Professor of Physics at the University of California at San Diego, and author of the textbook Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet and the blog Do The Math. Based on his name alone, he adds nothing new to the collection.